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Tuesday 7th April 2020 9:00am – 4:00pm
De Grey Court, York St John University
Volunteers from the National Autistic Society’s (NAS) Harrogate and District Branch have worked in collaboration with Professor Jonathan Vincent of York St John University to create a conference which will focus on the cross section of two themes: autism and employment.
The NAS’s recently appointed CEO, Caroline Stephens, will give the welcoming speech to open the conference. Following this, speakers and contributors from across the country and the field will lead on the day’s workshop sessions and keynotes.
Dr Stephen Kapp, a Lecturer in Psychology and a member of the Autism Centre for Research on Employment at the University of Portsmouth, will be giving a key note talk. Dr Kapp is involved in research on autism and employment, and we look forward to hearing about the findings of his research so far.
Ambitious about Autism will talk about their Autism Exchange programme, which has been set up in collaboration with the Civil Service and offers access to paid opportunities for autistic people aged 16-25. Ambitious about Autism will also introduce their Employ Autism strategy, which aims to promote the employment of autistic people.
Lighthouse School in Leeds, which provides educational provision for autistic children and young people, will discuss their Talent City internship programme.
United Response will discuss their employment support work in the York area.
Dr Marc Fabri, of Leeds Beckett University, will discuss his research into what constitutes good practice when it comes to supporting autistic students in Higher Education and promoting career opportunities for autistic graduates.
Leo Capella, a Job Coach at the NAS and formerly an Autism Access Specialist at the charity, will be running a workshop on the disclosure of autism in the workplace. Leo will also introduce the NAS’s work around employment.
In addition, the day will feature a panel discussion from autistic adults with a wide variety of backgrounds, who will share their employment experiences.
Throughout the day, the Branch and Dr Vincent will be gathering ideas from delegates on the topic of autism and employment, which they hope will produce the basis for an Autism Charter for Employment.